What Other Directors Are Saying
“One of the most sensitive, hilarious, and beautiful films I’ve ever seen.”
Director of 12 and More Omissions
“Simplistic minimalist slice of life shot in black and white in Yardley, Pennsylvania. Pairs well with a tall cup of black coffee in the early morning.”
Director of Coven of the Black Cube
“Oh yeah - THIS is why I love movies.”
Director of The Long Weekend
“You can feel its influences but it never feels like theft or even over the top homage, just another member of the family tree.”
Director of Mike
“Bartuska and Co. prove independent film is alive and well. The Yardley Boys is sweet, funny, and refreshingly original. Go see this movie!”
Director of Yelling Fire In An Empty Theater
What Letterboxd Is Saying
“It’s amazing what happens when young people get together to make a film about what it’s like to be young today. Feels refreshing to see an authentic take [on] being in your 20’s now. ”
“The Yardley Boys is stunningly voyeuristic and unapologetically silly. A film with its fingers grasping on to the edge of hyper-realism; toes grazing the water of absurdity below.”
“The Yardley Boys embraces its laid-back, mumblecore vibes but offers just enough narrative weight—via a missing cat—to ground its story of two twenty-something guys at a turning point in their lives and friendship.”
— @PCharnz