Meet the Director.

Aaron Bartuska is a filmmaker who has been making films with his friends for years. His debut feature Epilogue was made during the summer going into his sophomore year of college, and his second feature For Roger played at numerous horror film festivals around the world. He is currently in post-production on two feature films, These Are My Friends! and The Yardley Boys. When he is not making films, he works full-time as a high school Film Production & Film Studies teacher in Lawrenceville, New Jersey.

Director’s Statement

The Yardley Boys was made on a whim by a group of friends in five days. Using the new camera equipment I purchased for the high school film classes I teach, we set out to make a film the way we made things before any of us went to film school. The main goal of the shoot was to have fun, and if we got a good film out of it then hey... an added bonus! At a time when we were all focusing on new jobs and changing lifestyles, it was refreshing to remind ourselves why we love making movies in the first place. The Yardley Boys is a testament to home, friends, and moviemaking.


Featuring characters from The Yardley Boys!

Other Feature Films

